Alpha Bitch_Romance on the Go Page 4
The look on Alexsandr’s face the moment his eyes registered the mark on her neck revealed by her upswept hair was priceless.
“What the hell is this? What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, turning red.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been rude. William, would you please introduce us all to your companion? I don’t think everyone has had the chance to meet him.”
William Allaire stepped forward from the edges of the group.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the North Woods, I would like to introduce to you my Alpha Heir, Kieran Kimball. Mate to Cassandra Kimball, Alpha of Stone Point, at a ceremony performed in Sandy Hollow and witnessed by members of both packs.”
Kieran stepped to William's side. His hair, normally free, was tied back with a gray ribbon into a neat ponytail, exposing the scar on his neck from Cassie's bite.
“This is preposterous! You can’t do this!” Nathaniel Miklas sputtered over the gasps and murmurs of the assembled crowd.
“Oh, actually, I can. Your son agreed to it. You all were there. If I might remind you of my third condition at last month’s meeting, I was given the opportunity to find for myself a suitable mate before this ceremony was to take place. Knowing that I had turned down all available Alphas and heirs, Alexsandr agreed, believing my protest to be just that—a protest. It wasn’t that I didn’t like any of you—well, except you, Alex, you’re repugnant—but because I could not bring myself to submit to any of you. I tried to convince my wolf, but she wouldn’t let me.”
Cassie met Kieran’s unwavering gaze with pride.
“You all know Kieran. You know him to be a natural born Alpha. Recently he became a full member of Sandy Hollow at William’s request, to become his heir. As Kieran's punishment had been determined by a Stone Point Alpha, and that decision was altered by a subsequent Stone Point Alpha, there was no need to notify the council.”
“How dare you!” Alexsandr roared, eyes pure gold. He was dangerously close to shifting.
“Oh I dare, Alexsandr. You all think me easy picking because I’m a woman, but I would not be Alpha to my pack without good reason.”
Please do not taunt him, love. He is enraged.
I need to push him.
“I would apologize for hurting your feelings, but that would require you to have some,” she continued. “You’re just mad that I out-schemed you and found a way out of your clutches by mating a better wolf.”
Alexsandr lunged forward, wrapping his hands around her throat.
“You will pay for this, you little bitch!”
“Get your hands off her!” Kieran snarled, plowing into Alexsandr and knocking the three of them to the ground. The crunch of bone breaking reached Cassie's ears. Kieran's fist connected repeatedly with Alex's face.
William and Erik barely managed to pull Kieran back, each holding tight to an arm.
Nathaniel and Anton did the same to Alexsandr, who rose with a very broken nose.
“You!” Alexsandr pointed to Erik. “It was supposed to be you! Not him! You’re too weak to lead. I could snap you like a twig!”
“Aww, what’s the matter, Alex? Did I ruin all your plans for world domination?” Cassie taunted as she stood, brushing the snow from her backside.
Alexsandr shifted faster than anyone she’d seen in her entire life. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye, he went from man to wolf. Leaping for her, he hit Cassie square in the abdomen and pinned her to the ground. She wasn’t able to shift in time to defend herself. Panicked, she flailed and tried to dislodge him, but he was too heavy. He snarled, lips curled back, teeth bared and snapping just inches from her face as his hot, fetid breath washed over her. Cassie screamed when his jaws closed around her forearm, crushing the bone.
Christ, that was almost my face!
She tried to punch him with her other arm as Kieran’s rage filled her mind. She briefly felt the pain of him shifting before Alexsandr’s weight disappeared as Kieran ran full tilt toward them.
Cassie gasped for air, trying to regain her breath. Despite the situation, she took a moment to admire her mate.
Kieran was larger than most men in size and build.
He was even bigger as a wolf.
One look at Kieran’s enormous wolf was enough to send Alexsandr running.
Around her, men were shifting left and right, following the two into the woods.
Fucking hell, this turned into a shitstorm in a hurry. A forest full of Alphas, all in wolf form. What could possibly go wrong there?
Cassie shifted herself, in part to heal her arm, and also because she knew she could outrun half the men here. She sailed past several wolves, guided by the sound of the fight and the blur of images she could glean from Kieran's mind.
Fueled by blind fury, Kieran quickly caught up to Alex. He managed a few nips at Alex's flanks as they ran, but the coward wouldn't turn to face him. Sides heaving with unaccustomed exertion, Kieran began to fall off the pace as they came to a small clearing.
Alex rounded on him, catching him unprepared and knocking him to the ground.
An angry snarl escaped Kieran, and he snapped his jaws in reflex, catching only fur. Burning pain shot through him as Alex's teeth sank into his side.
The two faced off, growling as they circled. Having the advantage of years of freedom in which he’d become adept at fighting as a wolf, Alexsandr used his smaller size to his benefit. He darted in and out, attacking and escaping before Kieran could counter. Soon Kieran's blood ran freely from several wounds, staining the snow and turning the ground beneath them to a muddy mess.
Alex came at him again, and this time Kieran managed to dodge to the right at the last second. As Alex went past him, Kieran turned and got a mouthful of flank. Blood filled his mouth, and he felt pleasure at knowing he'd finally gotten one good hit in.
Alex twisted around, landing on his back and digging at Kieran's stomach with his claws. At the same time, he clamped his jaws around Kieran's front leg.
He tried to pull free, but Alex dug in. Intense pain tore through him, and Kieran howled as his shoulder dislocated when Alex pushed him over.
I don't stand a chance. If we weren't fighting as wolves I'd win this...
He couldn't lose. He had to find a way to take down Alex, but the bastard was too quick. Kieran couldn't give up. If Alex won, then Cassandra’s fate was sealed. He refused to fail her now. Even if it cost him his life, he'd make damned sure that Alexsandr Miklas never laid so much as another finger on Cassandra.
You are trying to fight fair and he isn't. His wolf's voice broke through the haze of pain and anger in his head. Let me do this.
I don't want to lose control of myself...
Do you want to lose our mate? Stop fighting me and let me fight for us. For her.
Kieran managed to get to his feet, one leg hanging useless before him. Nostrils flaring with his labored breathing, he watched Alex. The malice radiated from him, a pungent odor that turned Kieran's stomach the closer the two drew to each other. He sighed. He could not defeat Alexsandr like this.
Yes, he said finally. Help me.
Kieran felt himself became a passenger in his own brain as his wolf came forward.
Alex's eyes flicked to Cassandra as she came to the edge of the clearing.
Kieran took advantage of the distraction and lunged forward, closing the distance between them. Alex fell to the ground under Kieran's weight. Kieran clamped his large jaws around the side of Alex's throat and shook his head, blocking out the pain that radiated from his shoulder with every jarring movement.
Someone—he had no idea who, but presumed it was Alex's father Nathaniel based on the large amounts of gray mixed throughout the black of his fur—started forward, most likely to attempt to dislodge him from Alex. Kieran growled and tightened his hold on Alex, drawing a muffled whimper from the smaller wolf.
William came up from behind Kieran and stood Nathaniel down, teeth bared.
Alex thrashed benea
th him, claws digging again at Kieran's belly and sides in an effort to free himself.
Kieran jerked his head, further crushing Alex's windpipe and driving his teeth deeper.
Blood poured from the numerous wounds each bore, weakening them both. Yet Kieran refused to release his hold. He collapsed, covering Alex's body with his.
It was only when he felt Alex's breathing cease that he let himself close his own eyes.
Our mate is safe...
Chapter Six
“Kieran! Goddamn you, I do not give you permission to leave me, do you hear? Shift, damn it!” Cassie clutched the sides of his head, fingers buried in his fur. “That is an order! Shift!”
Darkness clouded Kieran’s mind, and he had trouble registering her words. But his wolf responded to the command.
A long howl escaped him as he endured the intense process, now turned excruciating from his injuries.
“Again!” she demanded.
Gasping for breath, he writhed on the ground. Joints relocated painfully, and he felt as though his skin was on fire.
Cassie stroked his head.
“I know it hurts. Just once more, okay?”
He whined. He didn’t want to go through that again. He just wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep. That would take so much less effort and energy...
“You have to shift back.” Her words were choked, sounding pained. He opened his eyes enough to see her one last time. His beautiful and once-forbidden Cassandra. His mate.
Safe... He spoke to her through their connection. Everything is okay now. I saved you.
“Yes, Kieran. I'm safe. But one more shift. You’re hurt bad. You have to stop the bleeding. Shift.” Her eyes flared gold, and the effect was immediate. No matter what he did or didn’t want to do, his wolf obeyed his Alpha.
“Cass…” He couldn’t find the energy to finish.
“You are not allowed to die. Do you hear me?”
She cradled his head against her chest. Dragging in a breath, he looked up. Tears ran down her cheek and landed on his face.
“I love you,” she sobbed.
It was the last thing he heard.
Voices floated in the air. Sometimes he could understand them. Most of the time he couldn’t.
“You need to rest. Please.”
“No. I won’t leave him. Not until he wakes up.”
“Cassie, he’s been out for over a day now.”
“I’m not leaving.”
The voices were clearer now.
Whoever the other person was sighed. It sounded a bit like Nick. He heard footsteps and the sound of him leaving the room.
“I’m here, Kieran. I’m not going anywhere.” She kissed the back of the hand she held.
He wanted to touch her face, to feel her.
He only managed to twitch a finger.
Kieran? The thought echoed in his mind.
This time he was able to move three fingers. He brushed her lips with his knuckles.
She turned his hand and kissed his palm, and he cupped her face. He felt her joy and relief. Trying to open his eyes, he let his head fall to the side.
“Cass…” he croaked. His throat was raw, dry. He swallowed, but it didn’t help much.
“Here, drink.” She pressed a straw to his lips and he pulled in a mouthful of water.
“Shh, it’s okay. Don’t try to talk.”
He brushed his thumb across her cheek. His eyes fell closed.
“Well, you almost died. So there’s that. You know I would have been very angry with you if you had.”
He fell back to sleep with a smile on his face.
When he woke again, he felt much better. He reached out mentally for Cassandra and found her sleeping. Good. Kieran sat up, giving his shoulder a tentative roll, happy to find that it didn't hurt. A peek beneath the bandages on his stomach revealed solid skin. He ripped them all away and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
The great thing about the pack houses on the meeting grounds was that the rooms and kitchens were always well stocked. After donning his clothes, he grabbed some food and devoured it before going in search of William.
Following the sound of heated voices, Kieran paused near a window. Outside, William and Erik were in an argument with Nathaniel Miklas and Anton Merieux. They were arguing about Kieran.
“He cannot be allowed to go unpunished!” Nathaniel yelled.
“He nearly died—”
“My son is dead!” Nathaniel cut Anton off.
“By direct result of his own actions! He attacked an Alpha. In wolf form. Her mate was within his rights to defend her and come to her aid,” Erik said in return.
“So nothing is to be done about this act of violence upon my pack? I told you. Years ago. I told you all. Look at his father. I warned you that he should be sent away. And now I must suffer the consequences of your inaction.”
Kieran clenched his fists at his side, bristling at the accusation from Nathaniel.
“Oh, blow it out your ass, Nate,” William said. “Spare us all the pity party for one. Your son brought this upon himself. He attacked Cassandra. He fought Kieran, knowing that Kieran had no experience fighting as a wolf. Knowing that Kieran was defending his bonded mate and would blindly attack. Alex was cocky and overconfident. Most of all, Alex was mad that Cassie had beat him at his own game.”
That she did, Kieran thought to himself. My fierce little Alpha.
“Look,” William continued. “If we need to bring this before the entire council, so be it. But I really wouldn't expect to win, Nathaniel. Not now. Cassie has shown everyone that they can stand up to you and win. You and I are old men, Nate. We mated late, had children late. What makes you think, without Alex to bully everyone for you anymore, that you'll be able to keep your influence over the other packs? Size means nothing. Stone Point has shown that. Go home. You have no power here.”
Kieran cautioned a glance around the edge of the frame. William and Erik stood guard, blocking the door to the house. Nathaniel stood a few feet away from them, Anton between them all. Nathaniel turned his attention to Anton.
“You wouldn't be head of the council if it wasn't for me. Are you really going to refuse to support me now? After everything I have done for you, for your pack?”
Silently, Anton declared himself by moving closer to William. Chin raised, he met Nathaniel's glare with one of his own. The Miklas sway over the council had ended.
“I only bowed to you after Caleb died because Nick didn't take over. Cassandra was so young, and we've never had a female Alpha. I know now that was a mistake. You and your pack have terrorized the North Woods for far too long. It's time for a change. It's time for peace. I don't want to fear for my grandchildren living under rule by River Run.”
Nathaniel's eyes narrowed to slits. “This is not over. Not for any of you. And especially not for him.” He pointed an accusatory arm up to the window Kieran stood at.
William held his ground. “You lost, Nate. Accept that and go home before I take this to the council and you lose even more.”
Nathaniel spun and stormed off.
Kieran had a hard time believing this would be the end of the issue, but was happy for the reprieve. He was still drained from the fight.
Cassandra appeared behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Don't worry, Nick and Jordan are good teachers. You’ll learn how to fight. And I can help you connect with your wolf. William and I won't let anything happen to you. Nathaniel is full of hot air and grief. He is old, and has no heir now. He won't bother us. He’ll be too busy trying to keep his pack together.”
Kieran covered her hands with his own. “How can you be so sure?”
“Darlin', I've been playing this game longer than you. Trust me. I know Nathanie
l Miklas. He's gone off to lick his wounds. He's angry, but he knows he's lost. There's a new power couple in the North Woods, and everyone knows it.”
With a soft chuckle he turned to face her. “I'm sorry for almost dying.”
“Don't let it happen again.”
“Not until we're old and gray,” he said, taking her head in his hands.
“I'll still kick your ass. You don't get to die before me.”
Smiling, Kieran kissed his mate.
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